AI - How do you explain the delays of Italian companies?


The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into business strategies has become a cornerstone for the success of enterprises of all sizes in the context of the global economy. However, while many companies around the world are rapidly adopting this technology, some Italian companies seem to be lagging behind. In Italy, only a very small percentage (8%) of companies are fully prepared to implement and exploit AI-based technologies, while 3% are completely unprepared. On the other hand, 63 per cent fall into the category of wait-and-see companies, i.e. only partly prepared, with 26 per cent believing that they have a strong focus on AI, even if they are not quite ready.

These are the main data emerging from the 1st Edition of Cisco's Ai Readiness Index, a survey that involved more than 8,000 companies around the world to outline the scenario of a market in which the adoption of AI is accelerating to the point of producing a profound transformation, with decisive impacts on almost every aspect of the daily life and business of companies. In this article, we will examine the reasons behind the delays of Italian companies in Artificial Intelligence and how they can bridge the gap to remain competitive on the international scene.

The Complexity of Technological Change

One of the main obstacles that many Italian companies face in implementing Artificial Intelligence is the perceived complexity of technological change. AI requires cultural change, specialised skills and sometimes (but not always) significant investment. Companies may be hesitant to tackle this challenge, especially if they lack a clear understanding of the benefits AI can bring to their operations.

Lack of Knowledge and Adequate Training

The skills gap is a widespread problem when it comes to adopting Artificial Intelligence. Italian companies may experience difficulties in finding qualified personnel and providing the necessary training to acquire advanced technical skills. The lack of an adequately trained workforce may limit the ability of companies to implement and fully exploit the potential of AI.

Cautious Approach to Technology

In many Italian companies, there is a more cautious approach to technological innovation than in other international realities. This caution may stem from a combination of factors, including fear of radical change, a preference for traditional working methodologies, and a lack of tangible examples of successful AI adoption in the local context.

Regulatory and normative barriers

Regulation and regulation can be a further obstacle for Italian companies. AI can raise data security, privacy and ethical concerns, prompting many companies to proceed with caution to avoid possible legal complications.

How to Overcome AI Adoption Delays

Cultural Change: Companies need to foster a cultural change that promotes innovation and experimentation. Understanding and clearly communicating the tangible benefits of AI can help overcome internal resistance.

Investment in Training: Providing adequate training is essential. Companies should invest in creating targeted training programmes for their workforce or explore partnerships with educational institutions and research centres.

Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange: Companies can benefit from collaboration and knowledge exchange with organisations already at the forefront of AI implementation. This sharing of experience can accelerate the learning and adaptation process.

Monitoring and Adapting to Regulations: Being aware of regulations and standards is crucial. Companies must commit to continuously understand and adapt to regulatory changes to mitigate risks and take full advantage of AI opportunities.

Although the challenges are real, Italian companies can overcome delays in adopting AI through a combination of visionary leadership, targeted investment and an innovation-driven organisational culture. Cisco's study shows that Italian companies are already taking action to prepare for a future where AI will be central.  In fact, 73% are ready or largely ready; 92% say they already have or are developing a well-defined AI strategy. A good sign, even if there is still work to be done, especially in the areas of infrastructure and scalability.

AI represents a unique opportunity to improve the efficiency, competitiveness and long-term sustainability of Italian companies in an increasingly technology-driven economy.

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  • approfondimenti
  • digitale