Ready to go again? Here are the regional SME financing opportunities not to be missed in September


September is an ideal time for Italian SMEs to take advantage of new growth opportunities through regional calls for tenders and subsidised financing. Many regions are relaunching support tools for innovation, internationalisation, and digitalisation, aimed at supporting the competitiveness of companies. Among the most relevant initiatives are non-repayable grants, tax breaks and low-interest loans. This is the ideal period to explore the various possibilities and plan participation in calls for tenders that could unlock new resources for companies' post-summer revival.

Regional SME Calls for Proposals: What are they and how do they work?

Regional calls for tenders are initiatives promoted by individual Italian regions to support the economic development of SMEs. They offer tools such as non-repayable grants, tax breaks and vouchers to incentivise strategic sectors such as technological innovation, sustainability and digitisation. Each call for proposals has specific criteria and requirements, which companies must meet by submitting projects that meet regional objectives.

Why are they important?

Calls for tenders help SMEs obtain resources for growth, especially when capital for strategic investments is lacking. These instruments not only accelerate innovation, but also develop relationships with local and institutional partners, strengthening regional and national competitiveness.

Many calls are designed to address particular challenges at territorial level, such as combating unemployment or developing rural areas, with the aim of fostering balanced and inclusive growth. This customised approach allows SMEs to benefit from instruments that respond directly to their needs, creating a dynamic and innovative business ecosystem.

Opportunities for September 2024

September is a key month for SMEs, with many regions opening or closing crucial tenders. Priorities include digitisation, sustainability and improving energy efficiency. In order to stimulate the growth of local SMEs, regions try to set strategic priorities based on the specific economic and social needs of their area by offering targeted funding to foster local development and competitiveness.

Below are some opportunities to seize this month.

Call for tenders for the digital transition of Lombardy companies: opening on 3 September

The Bando Transizione Digitale delle Imprese Lombarde aims to support the digital transformation of Lombardy's SMEs, improving their international competitiveness. The measure, part of the 2021-2027 ERDF Regional Programme, offers a maximum contribution of EUR 100,000 per company, with a minimum investment of EUR 30,000. The call, with a fund of 20 million euro, accepts online applications from 3 September to 12 November 2024. Projects will be assessed on the basis of a ranking list, regardless of the order in which they are submitted.

Lombardy Unioncamere's call SI4.0: deadline 20 September

This regional announcement offers EUR 4.125 million to support 4.0 technology development projects in SMEs in the provinces of Milan, Monza Brianza, Lodi, Bergamo and Brescia. Experimentation and prototyping projects related to technologies such as artificial intelligence and cybersecurity are eligible for funding. The expenses covered include consultancy, equipment and personnel. A non-repayable contribution of up to 50 per cent of eligible expenses is envisaged, with a maximum of EUR 30,000. Applications must be submitted by noon on 20 September 2024.

Digital Export 2024-2025 call for SMEs in Emilia Romagna: deadline 20 September

The call, promoted by the Chambers of Commerce and the Emilia-Romagna Region, supports local SMEs in internationalisation and trade promotion through digital tools. The call for proposals offers non-repayable contributions of 50% of eligible expenses, with amounts between 5,000 and 15,000 euro. The Digital Export call for Emilia Romagna opens and closes in September; applications must be submitted online between 2 and 20 September 2024. The call aims to strengthen the international competitiveness of Emilia-Romagna companies.

SME Energy Announcement Lazio Region: opening on 16 September

The Lazio Region has launched the Bando Energia per le PMI (Energy Call for SMEs), with an investment of EUR 40 million to promote projects for the production of energy from renewable sources and energy saving. Starting from 16 September, companies will be able to submit their projects, which must have a minimum amount of EUR 150,000. The call for proposals offers a non-repayable grant of up to 50 per cent of the total fundable amount, with a maximum of EUR 2 million per project.

Swich 2024 call for SMEs in Piedmont: opening on 24 September

The SWIch 2024 call for proposals, published on 25 July, has EUR 80 million to support research, development and innovation activities in Piedmont. It maintains continuity with the 2023 edition, with two lines of intervention for industrial research and experimental development projects, but introduces new features such as a maximum number of applications and a 15 per cent increase in aid intensity for individual projects. Applications can be submitted from 30 September 2024.

CCIAA of Treviso-Belluno: deadline 27 September

The Chamber of Commerce of Treviso-Belluno has allocated €1 million to support local micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) through two calls for proposals, aimed at the double digital and ecological transition. Measure 1 finances the purchase of capital goods for technological transformation and environmental sustainability, while Measure 2 covers consultancy expenses. The grant covers 50 per cent of eligible expenses, with a maximum of EUR 35,000 per enterprise. Applications must be submitted by 27 September 2024.

Announcement of Agrisolar Park Mezzogiorno: opening on 16 September

The 'Parco Agrisolare' 2024 call for proposals, issued on 19 August, allocates EUR 250 million to the regions of southern Italy to finance photovoltaic systems on agricultural production buildings under the PNRR. Companies in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Apulia, Sardinia and Sicily can access a contribution covering up to 80% of eligible expenses. Applications must be submitted via the GSE platform from 16 September to 14 October 2024.

  • PMI
  • finanza
  • banking
  • investimenti
  • Crescita